Prayer & Fasting for the Nations.

…for My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations.

Isaiah 56:7b NIV

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We fast, pray, and serve in order to make Kingdom resources available to the children of God, enabling others to fulfill their God-given purpose. We believe that through fasting and prayer, every specific request made for individuals and organizations within the body of Christ will be granted.


For The Neighborhood. For The Nations.


Who We Are

We are a network of believers who believe in the power of prayer and fasting for specific things in order to receive specific results. We believe that God places people in specific geographic regions in order that they may exercise their God-given mandate-meaning, they need to multiply and be fruitful in this area and they need to bring the management of resources that God has placed under their care wherever they are. We actively support individuals and organizations through prayer and fasting wherever they exist in order that they may manifest the desire that God has placed in their hearts.

In prayer and fasting and remaining in the presence of God, we are able to distinguish which endeavor we need to follow and which we need to support from afar. But we believe that by making formal requests to God we can obtain relief that will supply the needs of those called by God and will make His will known on Earth.

We not only believe that fasting and praying for organizations and individuals has an impact on communities, but we also believe we must serve and work practically to meet the basic needs of the communities we are in. We believe in the power of Individual, Local, National, and International intervention.


Ready to help?


